Monday, 6 May 2013

Several Reasons Why Your Hens May Stop Laying Eggs - Poultry Articles from The Poultry Site

I have not yet introduced my chooks to this blog and I will do so soon, however came across this interesting article which may explain why i struggle to get a single egg at this time of year. The girls stopped laying about 4 to 5 weeks ago when the moulting kicked in. I have pure breeds (Wyandotte, Barnevelders and  two orphaned Buff Sussex) and I have noticed that they tend to not lay for a good 2 to 3 months at this time of year when the Isa Browns used to keep laying with minimal slow down. I have been told by local chook experts that this difference is why pure breeds have a much longer life span while the ISA Brown has been created for the egg industry to have a short life but to continue egg production.

Several Reasons Why Your Hens May Stop Laying Eggs - Poultry Articles from The Poultry Site

Silver laced Wyandotte

Friday, 3 May 2013

April Weather Averages

After a warm summer things really dropped off during April.

April 2013 2012
Max Avg 19.3 20.1
Min Avg 6.8 8
Highest Max 25.8 28.1
Lowest Min 1.3 1.2
Rain 61.5mm 52.2mm
Avg Wind 3.5 km/h 3.3 km/hr

Rainfall YTD - 213mm