Monday 22 April 2013

Winter veg patch update

The past weekend saw the removal of the majority of the summer specials such as the tomato and pumpkins. But in the other beds all the winter crops are growing well and now take centre stage in the patch. I also have laid down weed mat over all the paths and will be putting sawdust on top of this. I hope that this will help on a number of front. 1 - reduce the slug wars an 2 - reduce the weed wars. More to follow on this soon. The following are some photos of how things are going.

Broccoli "Marathon" and Brussel Sprouts

Kale "Red Russian" and Turnip "Hakurei". This turnip is delicious eaten raw or raw in salads

Kale "Borecole"
English Spinach "Winter Giant"

Jerusalem artichoke soon to be harvested
Leeks with a rogue intruder
Lettuce and Collards

Oca and Purple Sprouting Broccoli

1 comment:

  1. looking good Dave. Your winter crops are a bit further on than mine (which includes being harassed by rats - who knew they love broccoli leaves)
