Saturday 16 February 2013

No Rain, more hot weather

It is so dry in Tasmania at the moment and while today was forecast to be 28, my weather station currently reads 33.3 degrees with 30% humidity. The  next few days are also forecast to be hot with Monday set for 34 (likely to be high 30's).

It is impossible to keep adequate moisture within the veg patch at the moment. It is ok if you have a small area to maintain, but with the size I have I have come to the realisation I need to improve my irrigation set up. I recently invested in a decent fire water pump and installed a new point where I can run three hoses off. One goes further up the hill to fill a 6000 litre tank that feeds the toilet, another will be dedicated to a new overhead sprinkler system. I figure the pressure from the pump may not suit a drip irrigation system but will read more about this. The other point is for a general hose. Should a fire come my way there are two hoses to use facing North/North West which is where the fire will come from.  But in reality if a hot fire comes flying our way our plan is to get out.

In the veg patch, I have a large number of winter seeds just germinating at the moment and this heat and no rain is not good. I hosed this morning, and also at lunch where the carrots are and am pumping water into the corn. I will also hose tonight. If the seeds are allowed to dry out too much I will have wasted my time in the past 3 weeks planting and will have to rush seedlings in of poor varieties from the shops.

With hot days and lots of sun forecast, pick your vegies in the early morning for freshness and to last longer in the house, and pick all your tomato that have changed colour a little so they do not get damaged by the coming heat. They ripen perfectly inside away from the risk of damage from hot sun.

And the blackberry harvest is well and truly on with out 5th punnet collected earlier. They might be a declared weed, but at least we can eat their fruit!!!!

And fingers crossed no fires flare up.


tomato not fully ripe picked to avoid damage from the heat and blackberries from the weeds on our property

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